Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 11th

So, here's my first post from the day of. It's actually kind of exciting to switch up how I'm doing this blog, and since I've been doing a better job of posting everyday than I expected, I'm hoping this works :)

Breakfast: For breakfast, I made a batch of whole-wheat pancakes with diced apples and cinnamon, and ate 1 and gave the other to my brother. They were really good! I separated the remaining pancakes into two bags and froze them to eat later. I also had a cup of coffee with 1/4 cup skim milk and 2 splendas.

Lunch: I had a late breakfast, so I didn't eat before we went out, and then I got super hungry, so we ended up stopping at Applebee's, because I had my Eat This, Not That book and there was a really good sounding sandwich for 360 calories. Unfortunately, when we got there, that sandwich wasn't on the menu, so I had to find something else. So, I got the Grilled Dijon Chicken & Portobellos because it was under 550 calories on the menu. When I checked online, it was 470 calories, so I ate half of it.

Snack: After my workout, I had a Luna Blueberry Bliss Bar, which I absolutely loved. I also drank an Arnold Palmer Half and Half Sweet Tea and Pink Lemonade.

Dinner: We went to Waffle House and I had a Grilled Chicken Sandwich with a water, and felt really healthy about it.

Exercise: After spending almost all day working on my meal plan for next week, I made time to run to the gym to get a bit of exercise in. I got on the elliptical for 25 minutes and felt so good after doing so.

Pros: I was SO happy that I cut my lunch into half to enjoy later! I was also pleased about my dinner selection, and this shows that I can eat out, but I need to be conscious of what I choose to eat.

Cons: I honestly don't have any today. I know it may not have been the best thing to drink the Sweet Tea/Pink Lemonade, but it was a treat for me, and I burned more than those calories at the gym, and I only ate half of my lunch.

I hope that tomorrow's an even better day :)

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